Young stand management

Young stand management helps forests grow and increases the value of the forest


Early cleaning and the tending of seedling stands are often necessary to accelerate forest growth. This work is traditionally carried out by a lumberjack with a brush saw. If the proportion of trees to be removed is large, it is worthwhile to carry out the work mechanically and collect the felled trees. Forest owners generate sales revenue from the wood from the collected trees.

Early cleaning is carried out after about 4–7 years and thinning after about 10 years.

From 1 March 1 2024, forest owners or contractors may receive financial support from the new forestry incentive scheme Metka for the early tending of seedling stands or the management of young stands. Read more about Metka support on the Finnish Forest Centre’s website.

Contact your forestry expert and make your timber purchase

KUMEKO Group buys all types of wood from all types of sites, from traditional thinnings to end harvesting. We serve Ostrobothnia, Satakunta, Pirkanmaa and Kanta-Häme regions.

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  • Pohjanmaa
Antti Vuorinen
Forest Specialist
045 207 0377
Forssa, Humppila, Jokioinen, Kanta-Häme, Loimaa, Punkalaidun, Urjala, Ypäjä
Henrikki Kulmala
Forest Specialist
045 316 2161
Lempäälä, Pirkanmaa, Pirkkala, Tampere, Ylöjärvi
Jarkko Piilola
Forest Specialist
045 123 4265
Parkano, Ruovesi, Virrat