How to ensure
a successful timber trade

Sometimes a wood trade agreement is made only once in a lifetime, but even then it is important that everything goes right. With the professionals at KUMEKO Group, you are sure to succeed. Our forestry experts are here to help you.

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The stages of wood trade

  • 1. Assess your forest management needs

    Wood trade always starts from the forest owner’s need to manage their forest assets.

  • 2. Contact your local forestry expert by phone or email

    Find out the property ID of your forest in advance. Our forestry experts will help you identify the needs of your forest.

  • 3. Schedule a site visit with the forestry expert

    It is important for us that you can join us for a site visit to identify your forest management needs. However, wood sales can also be carried out entirely remotely if necessary.

  • 4. Sign a wood trade agreement

    Once the necessary details have been agreed, our forestry expert will draw up a wood trade agreement. Wood harvesting and transport are included in the agreement, so you will not receive a separate invoice for them.

    Instead of a paper contract, you can also sign the wood trade agreement electronically, which is a safe and equally valid alternative. All you need is an email address. KUMEKO’s forestry expert will send you an invitation to sign the agreement.

  • 5. Planning and implementation of harvesting

    The wood trade agreement is valid for the period specified in the agreement, during which the planned harvesting will take place. We will harvest the trees as agreed, with the help of skilled contractors, respecting your wishes and the environment.

    We determine the optimal time and method for harvesting and find suitable storage locations for the timber. Our harvesters carefully read the harvesting instructions and follow them to the letter.

  • 6. Payment

    You will receive an email with a certificate of measurement of the actual amount/volume of wood, according to which the payment will be made.

  • 7. Planning measures for the near future

    Forest management will continue in a planned way even after the timber sale. KUMEKO’s forestry experts will also support you in your future timber sales and forest management.

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The stages of wood trade

Fuel wood trade

  • 1. The best way to trade in fuel wood is through competent contractors

    KUMEKO Group will not do business without competent local contractors. In the fuel wood trade, forest harvester contractors accurately measure all wood so that compensation is based on correct measurement data. When planning harvesting, we take into account the time of harvest, retention trees, the soil and the surrounding environment.

  • 2. Chipping fuel wood

    After thinning, the fuel wood is stored on the roadside, called an intermediate storage area. The wood is either chipped on site after drying, if the surrounding space allows it, or transported to our terminals for chipping.

    Among other things, fuel wood includes decayed wood, logging residue, stumps and trees that do not meet the dimensional requirements for logs or pulpwood.

  • 3. The chips are transported to our end customers, i.e. heat and power plants

    In addition to local forest harvester contractors, we work with haulage contractors who transport loads of timber or wood chips to heat and power plants. 

    Fuel wood harvested from the forest is used to produce renewable energy in the form of heat and electricity.

Timber sales

  • 1. Regeneration felling

    During regeneration felling, all logs, pulpwood and fuel wood are harvested professionally and competently by forestry contractors and KUMEKO Group’s forestry experts.

  • 2. Roadside storage and transport to the final customer

    Regeneration felling yields logs, pulpwood and fuel wood. The wood is stacked by wood grade on the side of the road, where drivers can pick it up. Transport companies deliver the wood from the forest directly to our terminals or sawmills. Fuel wood is treated in accordance with the fuel wood trade agreement.

Delivery sale (sale at delivered price)

In a delivery sale (sale at delivered price), the seller delivers the logged wood to the roadside at their own expense for collection by a lorry or chipper. Please contact one of our chief procurement officers to request a quote for wood traded at delivered price.

Familiarise yourself with wood trade terms

There are many different terms used in the wood trade and forest management industry. We have explained some of the most common terms to make it easier for you to communicate smoothly with our forestry experts. Our forestry experts will help and guide you through every stage of the wood trade.

Contact your forestry expert and make your timber purchase

KUMEKO Group buys all types of wood from all types of sites, from traditional thinnings to end harvesting. We serve Ostrobothnia, Satakunta, Pirkanmaa and Kanta-Häme regions.

  • All
  • Pirkanmaa
  • Etelä-Pohjanmaa
  • Satakunta
  • Kanta-Häme
  • Varsinais-Suomi
  • Pohjanmaa
Antti Vuorinen
Forest Specialist
045 207 0377
Forssa, Humppila, Jokioinen, Kanta-Häme, Loimaa, Punkalaidun, Urjala, Ypäjä
Henrikki Kulmala
Forest Specialist
045 316 2161
Lempäälä, Pirkanmaa, Pirkkala, Tampere, Ylöjärvi
Jarkko Piilola
Forest Specialist
045 123 4265
Parkano, Ruovesi, Virrat