Price of wood

The price of wood is influenced by many different factors and can vary widely between different sites.

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What is paid for wood?

In addition to the market situation, the price of wood is influenced by the final volume of wood harvested, the quality of the wood, the size of the logs and the method of harvesting. In addition, the transport distance, the terrain and the time of harvesting also affect the price.

  • 1. Market situation

    Wood prices are mainly influenced by the supply and demand situation on the market, which is constantly changing according to the economic cycle.

  • 2. Amount of wood

    The amount of wood affects the amount we pay the customer.

  • 3. Wood grade

    The price of wood is determined by the wood grade (the amount of logs, pulpwood and fuel wood).

  • 4. Tree species

    Prices for pine or spruce logs are slightly higher than for birch logs, as sawn timber is most often pine or spruce.

  • 5. Method of trade

    The price is also affected by whether the wood is traded via delivery sale (sale at delivery price) or standing sale. In a standing sale, we take care of the costs of the felling and transport. In a delivery sale, the forest owner cuts down the trees and delivers them to the roadside.

  • 6. Harvesting and transport

    Harvesting work and prices are influenced by weather conditions, the soil and the location of the forest. The seasons also affect the condition of forest roads, for example.

Contact your forestry expert and make your timber purchase

KUMEKO Group buys all types of wood from all types of sites, from traditional thinnings to end harvesting. We serve Ostrobothnia, Satakunta, Pirkanmaa and Kanta-Häme regions.

  • All
  • Pirkanmaa
  • Etelä-Pohjanmaa
  • Satakunta
  • Kanta-Häme
  • Varsinais-Suomi
  • Pohjanmaa
Carl Marttinen
Forest Specialist
050 472 8426
Eura, Eurajoki, Harjavalta, Kokemäki, Laitila, Loimaa, Pyhäranta, Rauma, Säkylä, Satakunta, Varsinais-Suomi
Eemeli Taipale
Forest Specialist
050 357 3837
Juupajoki, Kangasala, Mänttä-Vilppula, Orivesi, Pälkäne, Pirkanmaa
Jesse Kuuminainen
Forest Specialist
040 752 2878
Luvia, Nakkila, Pori, Satakunta, Ulvila